17″ LCD High-Resolution Touch Screen Display
18 Channels of Voltage & DC Bridge Inputs
Dedicated 1 TByte Removable Data Capture Hard Drive for (Solid State Drives optional)
800 kHz Sample Rate/Channel (up to 96 channels) & 50 MS/s with optional 2-channel scope card
100 kHz Bandwidth
Precisely Synchronized Data Capture
No matter how many milliseconds, hours or days, the TMX-18 won’t miss a glitch. With its dedicated, 1 TByte hard drive for data capture, the TMX-18 is ideal for long-term trending and high-speed event detection. Each channel uses a separate 16 bit A/D for perfect data synchronization. AstroNova’s powerful BackChannel technology ensures precise synchronization of analog, audio, video and data bus inputs. We do not rely on Windows? to synchronize your data.
Multiple Sample Rates
Up to four sample rates can be used per TMX data capture. This allows you to manage file size by assigning higher sample rates to critical signals and lower sample rates to trending signals.
The TMX-18 contains advanced triggering capabilities that allow you to start and/or stop a recording based on changes in your input signals. The circular data buffer of the TMX-18 allows you to set and record large amounts of pre-trigger data. Window, level and slew triggering let you set up trigger conditions precisely for your application, while ensuring that you trigger only on events that are important to you.
Dedicated Hard Drive
Unlike Windows-based systems, the TMX-18 features a 1 TByte hard drive dedicated solely for capturing data. Removable drives allow your data to be easily transferred and stored securely, leaving no proprietary data on the machine.
Don’t waste time and money on a separate video record of your important tests. The TMX records 30 frame per second video data, perfectly synchronizing with your analog data. Each frame is linked to a sample point giving you amazing detail of any test.
IRIG / GPS (optional)
TMX-IR IRIG/GPS time option provides precise time-synchronization of data, video, and all TMX-18 inputs with other devices.
Audio Notes
Save audio annotation into your data capture giving you a verbal account of your test.
Bus Inputs (optional)