凱拓機電【吳偉生】與您分享{SMT富士貼片機配件—FUJI SPARE PARTS—NXT 系列機器配件}之 【3.7G帶膠頭吸嘴】 產品名:3.7G帶膠頭吸嘴 英文名:NOZZLE 料號:AA18C 說明:3.7mm with RUBBER PAD NXT所需的模組數可以按M3(S)模組X2或者M6(S)模組X1的單位進行增減。 因此,可以在低成本/省空間的情況下增添設備。 另外,僅僅通過更好工作,就可以對應各種各樣的生產,因此具有高的成長性。 質量差的過濾棉對機器的影響 The poor quality of NXT filter cotton XH00801, universal recognition method is that the material is hard, (individual producers to look alike, just use plastic material, such as the production of filter cotton XH00801 very hard, filtering is very poor, can't even filtering effect.) Color slants dark, between holes and hole density, permeability is low, cannot very good air permeability. 吸嘴桿,凱拓機電,NXT二代吸嘴桿由凱拓機電提供。吸嘴桿、凱拓機電、NXT二代吸嘴桿是深圳市凱拓機電設備有限公司(www.smtpark.cn)2014年全新升級推出的