The eye massager has a 180 degree folding design so it can fit all facial forms and a variety of head types. Frequent use of the eye massager can clear the meridians, reconcile blood and promote blood circulation. Promotes metabolism, relieves eye fatigue, restores ciliary muscle flexibility and reducesJa eye bags.
2. Ideal for people
1. Who experience visual fatigue
2. Wears glasses all day
3. Stares into a computer monitor, cellphone or digital pad screen every day
4. Reads documents and looks at numbers all day.
5. Driving all day
3. Warning/Caution
1. Do not use with other electronic devices, such as cardiac pacemakers, artificial heart and lungs .
2. Do not use this product near (1m) short wave or microwave therapy equipment.
3. Do not use if you have undergone any eye surgery.
4. Do not use this product in areas with a high temperature flammable, electromagnetic radiation.
5. Please turn device off first prior to making any change in your massage area.
6. Do not use device on children under 5 years old.
7. Do no use when wearing hard contact lenses
8. Do not walk around wearing this product as your eyes are covered and cannot see your surroundings.
9. Do not use if you think you have any potential of eye issues, problem or any other medical conditions.
10. If you feel uncomfortable with this product, please stop using it.
4.支持Micro USB 充電,精致小巧,方便攜帶
同一款式,日本賣 1269RMB