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現(xiàn)代化辦公裝修——“隔間禮儀” 如今很多人的辦公室都是由一個(gè)個(gè)小隔間組成的,人與人之間都有薄薄的一層隔斷。在個(gè)人空間有限的辦公室,這樣的隔間就算是我們的個(gè)人領(lǐng)地了?!案糸g禮儀”(cubicle etiquette 或cubiquette)是辦公室里默認(rèn)的一些規(guī)矩。這些規(guī)矩需要隔間里的工作人員和臨近工作場(chǎng)所的人員共同遵守。在隔間中行走也是要注意禮貌禮儀的。 Although employees are usually part of a larger workplace, they sometimes regard their cubicle as their own office. For all intents and purposes, the cubicle should be viewed as an individual’s office. When entering, do not just barge in and begin talking; the employee may be concentrating on something important. Stand at the entrance to the cubicle and make your presence known until the worker is able to talk。 雖說在偌大的辦公室里,員工只是其中很小的一個(gè)部分,但他們大都會(huì)把隔間當(dāng)作自己的辦公室。無論出于何種目的,員工的隔間都應(yīng)當(dāng)被視作一個(gè)私人辦公室。要進(jìn)入別人的隔間時(shí),不要直接闖進(jìn)去就開始說話,隔間內(nèi)的員工可能正忙于重要事務(wù)。正確的做法應(yīng)該是:站在隔間入口處,讓人家知道你的存在,然后等人家有空的時(shí)候才開口。  Cubicle etiquette (or “cubiquette”) is a set of unwritten rules that exist in the workplace. Cubicle etiquette guidelines should be adhered to by both workers in the cubicle and people in adjoining work spaces. One of the main factors in cubicle etiquette is privacy。 “隔間禮儀”(cubicle etiquette 或cubiquette)是辦公室里默認(rèn)的一些規(guī)矩。這些規(guī)矩需要隔間里的工作人員和臨近工作場(chǎng)所的人員共同遵守。“隔間禮儀”中主要的一條就是隱私。  Confidentiality should also be taken into account as part of cubicle etiquette. Thin cubicle walls will not prevent people from hearing client discussions. This should be remembered when talking on the phone or discussing confidential client information in person。   “隔間禮儀”還包括保密意識(shí)。那層薄薄的隔斷墻是不能阻止人們聽到你與客戶對(duì)話內(nèi)容的。打電話或者與人談?wù)摍C(jī)密性質(zhì)的客戶信息時(shí)要格外記住這一點(diǎn)。  Privacy should also take noise levels into account. The rules of cubicle etiquette exist in order to make the workplace a harmonious place. While talking on the phone, keep conversation volume to a normal level. No one likes to hear constant chattering or high pitched laughing。   講話的音量也應(yīng)該算在隱私的范疇內(nèi)?!案糸g禮儀”的存在就是為了讓辦公室變成一個(gè)和諧的辦公場(chǎng)所。打電話的時(shí)候,請(qǐng)把說話音量保持在一個(gè)正常的水平。沒有人愿意時(shí)不時(shí)聽到有人大聲閑聊或者放聲大笑。 Keeping a cubicle clean and tidy is another facet of cubicle etiquette. A disorganized cubicle can reflect poorly on the employee’s level of profession
“供應(yīng)現(xiàn)代化辦公裝修——“隔間禮儀” 【金視覺裝飾】”信息由發(fā)布人自行提供,其真實(shí)性、合法性由發(fā)布人負(fù)責(zé)。交易匯款需謹(jǐn)慎,請(qǐng)注意調(diào)查核實(shí)。